I love “Minne-snowta” and especially its deep winters…because we get to really feel “cabin fever” and truly know what it is to celebrate in later March with “Spring fever”—donning shorts and sandals in 50 degree sunshine. The contrast of bright greening landscapes and sky-blue waters that appear so quickly in April is a rush of joy that never gets old.

We learn to savor our seasons and weather through our gatherings with friends and family around food by combining indoor and outdoor activities just as our homesteading relatives did only a few generations ago. In the darkest days of winter, I love to make an old Sweet Soupe recipe from Uncle Walt (Speedy) Spidahl (dried apples, golden raisins, sun-dried apricots with cinnamon sticks, cloves etc in large tapioca served with cream) that likely was shared after skiing when Great-grandpa Johannes Spidahl carved skies out of oak for children, and neighbor friends gathered to make ski-jumps and schuss down the bigger hills.
The gifts our family gives have more often than not been what we have gathered or preserved or made from scratch like lefse, jellies, maple-syrup--and now our TC Chocolate varieties and Maple Toffee that is so appreciated and always brings smiles.

Giving good things never gets old and we believe the quality of our chocolate bars is based on our understanding that all foods have their goodness and unique flavors within, and we take the time to let them out in all their fullness. This artisan appreciation of all nature’s gifts is what we also share as our new chocolate flavors emerge from old and deep family traditions and the creative use of available foods.
Take time to appreciate and unlock the “local” where you are—like in our family’s preserves and our dark chocolate, it is there for the tasting!